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1559-002 Nostradamus, Medecin
1559-003 Nostradamus, An excellent tretise
1559-004 Nostradamus, An almanacke made by the notable
1559-005 Nostradamus, La Grand pronostication nouvelle
1559-006 Nostradamus, Lettre de Pomeran
1560-001 Nostradamus, Prognosticon
1560-002 Nostradamus, Almanach Pour l'An 1561
1560-003 Couillard, Les contradicts
1560-004 Fulke, Antiprognosticon that is to
1560-005 Ronsard, Les odes
1560-006 Phantalemus, La Prognostication
1560-007 Fulke, Antiprognosticon that is to
1561-001 Nostradamus, Pronostication General Paris
1561-002 Nostradamus, Pronostication
1561-003 Ronsard, Discours des miseres
1561-004 Coxe, A short treatise declaringe
1561-005 Nostradamus, Pronostico
1561-006 Nostradamus, Recueil des propheties
1561-007 Nostradamus, Almanach Nouveau Pour l'An 1562
1561-008 Nostradamus, Almanach Nouveau Pour l'An 1562 Bruxelles
1561-009 Nostradamus, Lettre de Rosemberg
1562-001 Nostradamus, Pronostico dell'anno 1563
1562-002 Ronsard, Elégie sur les troubles
1563-001 Nostradamus, Pronostico e lunario dell'eccellentiss. filosofo

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