S ince the Third
Secret of Fatima has still not been officially revealed, it
seems obvious at first sight, that we can know nothing of its
content. This however, is only so in appearance. For if it is
true that this vital secret remained absolutely impenetrable
in 1917 when it was revealed by the Blessed Virgin to the
three shepherd children of Aljustrel, or in 1944 when it was
written down by Sister Lucy, or yet again in 1960 at the time
when it was to have been publicly revealed to the world by
Pope John XXIII, that is no longer the case today. Indeed, for
more than 40 years, a number of certain facts concerning it
have become known.
They form today an impressive mass of sure information from
which the historian can precisely retrace its entire history
and expose its essential content with a considerable degree of
certitude. Such has been my double concern in writing my third
volume of "The Whole Truth About Fatima", which is completely
devoted to the mystery of the Third Secret.
It is this minutely detailed demonstration that I shall
attempt to present to you while simplifying it and summarizing
much of it, for I must be brief. But I will tell you
sufficiently about it, I hope, to show you how important this
final secret of Our Lady is. How it is at the very heart of
the Message of Fatima, and finally why it is urgent for the
good of the Church that it be revealed to the world according
to the command of the Blessed Virgin.
It was in July/August, 1941, in her third memoir, that Sister
Lucy mentioned for the first time the division of the Secret
of Fatima into three distinct parts. "The Secret is composed
of three distinct matters," she writes, "And I shall disclose
two of them." The first is the vision of hell and the
designation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary as the supreme
remedy offered by God to humanity for the salvation of souls.
"In order to save them, God wishes to establish in the world
devotion to My Immaculate Heart." The second, is the great
prophecy concerning a miraculous peace which God wishes to
grant to the world through the consecration of Russia to the
Immaculate Heart of Mary, and the practice of Communions of
Reparation on the first Saturdays of the month.(1) "If people
heed My commands, Russia will be converted and the world will
have peace." And there is also the announcement of terrible
punishments if people persist in not obeying Her requests. As
for the third part of the Secret, in 1941, Sister Lucy
declares that for the moment she is not permitted to reveal
The Writing Down and the
Transmission of the Secret
The dramatic account of the writing down and the transmission
of this vital Message begins in 1943. The hour of providence
had then struck. Sister Lucy was living at that time in the
convent of the Dorothian Sisters of Tuy, in Spain. In June,
1943, she suddenly fell gravely ill. Her condition was so
alarming that Bishop da Silva, the Bishop of Leiria/Fatima,
became worried. He feared that she would die before having
revealed the Third Secret of Our Lady and he sensed that it
would be the loss of an exceptional grace for the Church.
Canon Galamba, the friend and advisor of the Bishop, then
suggested to him an extremely judicious idea, that he at least
ask Sister Lucy to write down forthwith, the text of the Third
Secret and then that she place it in an envelope sealed with
wax, to be opened later.
On September 15, 1943, Bishop da Silva went, therefore, to Tuy
and he asked Sister Lucy to write down the Secret "if she
really wanted to". But the seer, undoubtedly under the impulse
of the Holy Spirit was not content with this vague order. She
requested of her bishop a written order, formal and perfectly
clear - that is very important. The final Message of the
Virgin of Fatima is, as previously were Her other requests,
linked to marvelous promises. It is an exceptional grace
offered by God to our 20th century in order to meet its most
urgent needs. But again it is necessary that the pastors of
the Church have sufficient faith and docility to the designs
of Heaven in order to be instruments of this outpouring of
grace that God wants to bestow upon the world through the
sweet mediation of His Immaculate Mother. In 1943, God desired
that it be the Bishop of Leiria, who demanded of this
messenger the writing down of the Third Secret.
Finally, in mid-October, 1943, Bishop da Silva made up his
mind. He wrote to Sister Lucy, giving her the express order
that she had besought of him. However, new difficulties would
arise. Sister Lucy experienced at that time, for almost three
months, a mysterious and terrible anguish. She has related
that each time she sat down at her work table and took her pen
in order to write down the Secret, she found herself
obstructed from doing it. One must, no doubt, see there the
last outburst of Satan against the messenger of the Immaculate
Guessing what a terrible weapon this great prophecy could set
up against his dominion over souls and his plan to penetrate
the very heart of the Church, such a trial endured by the seer
thus indicated the magnitude of the grandiose event which was
about to be carried out, should the Secret be put down on
On Christmas Eve, Sister Lucy confided to her director that
she had still been unable to obey the order that she had been
Finally, on the 2nd of January, 1944, (this is very little
known) the Blessed Virgin Mary Herself appeared again to Lucy.
She confirmed to her that such was truly the Will of God and
gave her the light and the strength to accomplish the writing
that had been commanded.
The extreme care that Sister Lucy then took to transmit it
with complete safety to its recipient, Bishop da Silva, is a
new proof of the exceptional importance which she attributes
to this document.
She did not wish to entrust it to anyone but a Bishop. It was
Bishop Ferreira, Archbishop of Gurza, who received from the
hands of Sister Lucy, the envelope sealed with wax containing
the precious document. He delivered it the same evening to
Bishop da Silva.
Concerning the transmission of the Secret to the Hierarchy, it
is necessary to underline four facts of the highest
Fact#1. The immediate recipient of the Secret was Bishop da
Silva and he could have read it at once. Sister Lucy told him
so from the Blessed Virgin. But frightened by the
responsibility that he would have to assume, he did not dare,
he did not wish to have knowledge of it. He then tried to
commit it to the Holy Office, but Rome refused to receive it.
It was then agreed that if Bishop da Silva happened to die,
the envelope would be entrusted to Cardinal Cerejeira, the
Patriarch of Lisbon. It is therefore false to say, as has been
so often repeated after 1960, that the Third Secret is
destined explicitly and exclusively to the Holy Father!
Fact#2. It is true, however, - I provide several proofs of it
in my book - that Sister Lucy wanted Pope Pius XII to know the
Secret without further delay. Unfortunately, that did not
Fact#3. Ascertaining that Bishop da Silva persisted in not
wishing to open the envelope, Sister Lucy "made him promise,
in the words of Canon Galamba, that the Third Secret would be
opened and read to the world upon her death or in 1960,
whichever would happen first." A series of testimonies which
give us an account of the repeated statements of Sister Lucy
enabled this fact to be established with absolute certitude.
Fact#4. Finally, this promise to disclose the Secret
immediately after the death of Sister Lucy or in any case, "in
1960 at the latest", surely corresponds to a request by the
Virgin Mary Herself. In fact, when in 1946, Canon Barthas
asked the seer why it would be necessary to wait until 1960,
Sister Lucy replied to him in the presence of Bishop da Silva,
"Because the Blessed Virgin wishes it so."
Briefly stated, I have established it solidly in my book and
we have all the proofs that God desired, willed that the final
Secret of Our Lady be finally believed by the Pastors of the
Church and made public to the faithful. This was to be done at
the earliest in 1944 or at the latest by 1960 because as
Sister Lucy further explained, "It would become clearer at
that time."
Part Two
cannot linger here on a still mysterious episode in the
history of the Third Secret: In 1957, the Holy Office demanded
the text of it, kept until then at the palace of the Bishop of
Leiria/Fatima. Who took this initiative? With what intention?
A detailed analysis of the facts have enabled me to formulate
a plausible hypothesis but I have not arrived at any
In mid March, 1957, Bishop da Silva entrusted his Auxiliary
Bishop Venancio with the responsibility of delivering the
precious document to Bishop Cento, the Apostolic Nuncio to
Lisbon at that time. Bishop Venancio implored his bishop to
finally read the Secret and to make a copy of it before
sending the manuscript to Rome, but the old bishop persisted
in his refusal. Bishop Venancio, who related this to me in
Fatima on February 13, 1983, had to content himself with
looking at the envelope while holding it up to the light. He
could see inside a little sheet of which he measured the exact
size. We thus know that the Third Secret is not very long,
probably 20 to 25 lines, that is to say about the same length
as the Second Secret. This allows us to reject as certainly
inauthentic, several texts much too long, which some forgers
have tried to foist upon the public as being the true Secret
of Fatima.
On the 16th of April, 1957, the sealed envelope arrived in
Rome. What became of it? It was placed in the office of Pope
Pius XII, in a little chest bearing the note, "Secret of the
Holy Office".(3) It is Mother Pascalina who confided this to
the journalist, Robert Serrou who in turn recently confirmed
this fact.
Did Pope Pius XII read the Secret?
As surprising as it may seem the answer is almost certainly
No. Like Father Alonso, I give several solid arguments for
this conclusion; notably the testimonies of Cardinal Ottaviani
and Monsignor Capovilla, Secretary of Pope John XXIII, who
stated to us that the envelope was still sealed when the Holy
Father opened it in 1959, one year after the death of Pope
Pius XII.
One understands, therefore, the solemn words which Sister Lucy
addressed on the 26th of December, 1957, to Father Fuentes,
then Postulator of the beatification causes of Jacinta and
Francisco.She said: "The Blessed Virgin is very sad, for no
one attaches any importance to Her Message ... Neither the
good nor the bad ...
The good continue on their way but without paying attention to
the Message ... I cannot give any other details, since it is
still a secret ... Only the Holy Father and His Excellency the
Bishop of Fatima would be able to know it in accordance to the
Will of the Blessed Virgin ... But they haven't willed to know
it as they did not want to be influenced."
Pope Pius XII, therefore, without a doubt, preferred to wait
for 1960, but he died before then. What a loss for the
The Unanimous and Fervent Anticipation
At the approach of 1960, older ones remember it, the whole
Christian people confidently awaited the promised public
unveiling of the Secret. And you Italians (here present) you
no doubt know that in 1959 there was in the whole country a
great movement of devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
For several months, the Virgin of Fatima crisscrossed the
peninsula drawing along in Her trail enthusiastic crowds and
spreading everywhere Her marvels of grace, extraordinary
fervour, miracles of conversion, miracles of doves(5) ... On
the 13th of September, 1959, all the Bishops of the country
solemnly consecrated Italy to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Unfortunately, the movement was so little encouraged by Pope
John XXIII that his silence and reserve could not pass
Pope John XXIII Reads the Secret of Fatima and
Refuses to Disclose It
We know that the Pope had the envelope of the Third Secret
brought to him at Castelgandolfo on August 17, 1959, by
Monsignor Philippe, who was then an official of the Holy
Office. Let us notice that this transmission of the Secret to
the Sovereign Pontiff thus took on an official character and
gathered around it a certain solemnity, which shows the esteem
which Fatima was held in that era. Pope John XXIII did not
immediately open the envelope. He was content to declare "I am
waiting to read it with my confessor." "The reading of the
Secret," Monsignor Capovilla stated precisely, "was done a few
days later." "But because of the difficulty raised by
expressions peculiar to the language, assistance was requested
of the Portuguese translator of the Secretariat of the State,
Mgr. Paulo Jose Tavarez," who became afterwards, the Bishop of
Macao. Later, Pope John XXIII had it read to Cardinal
Ottaviani, Prefect of the Holy Office.
Let us open here a brief parenthesis. Certainly we know well
that it belongs to the Hierarchy to judge "private
revelations". In 1960, it was evident that the Church had
already officially recognized the Divine authenticity of the
Fatima apparitions, proved, moreover, more solidly than any
other by incontestable prophecies and dazzling miracles as
Father Gruner has just reminded us. In accordance with the
command of the Most Blessed Virgin transmitted through Sister
Lucy, the two prelates in charge, the Bishop of Leiria and the
Patriarch of Lisbon had publicly undertaken to reveal the
complete content of it by 1960 at the latest. For more than 15
years, no authoritative declaration had come out to refute
these repeated promises echoed throughout the entire world by
Cardinals, Bishops and Fatima experts as renowned as Canon
Galamba, Canon Barthas or Father Messias Dias Coelho. The
disclosure of the first two Secrets in 1942 with the consent
of Pope Pius XII constituted moreover a precedent. So that the
faithful perfectly had the right to expect from the supreme
authority this promised revelation. They had at least a right
to an exact and straightforward explanation on the part of the
Holy Father.
Alas, on February 8, 1960, it was all of a sudden learned
through a simple press release that the Third Secret of Fatima
would not be revealed. It was an anonymous decision, which is
by its very nature, totally irresponsible. What were the
reasons that had motivated it? The Vatican communiqué had
offered only inconsistent, and even contradictory excuses.
This anonymous press release even ended in treachery:
"Although the Church recognizes the Fatima apparitions She
does not desire to take the responsibility of guaranteeing the
veracity of the words that the three shepherd children said
that the Virgin Mary had addressed to them."(6) Thus,
apparently, the Vatican not only assumed as its own the
untenable position of Father Dhanis (the detailed exposé and
analysis of this incoherent thesis is in the first volume),(7)
but this communiqué went even further. It publicly and without
any valid reason cast the most ignominious suspicion upon the
credibility of Sister Lucy and upon the whole of the Fatima
According to Mgr. Capovilla, several Roman Prelates had been
consulted. But what is certain is that the Portuguese
authorities in charge were odiously disregarded. Neither
Bishop Venancio nor Cardinal Cerejeira had been consulted or
notified by Rome.
Upon re-reading and analysing this lamentable press release of
February 8, 1960, or even more by studying the miserable
article published in June by Father Caprile in "Civilta
Cattolica", one is disheartened by the massive examples of
incoherence, inaccuracies and falsehoods which have been
uttered by responsible authorities in Rome itself on the
subject of Fatima. This tells you how much the decision to
take no notice of the expressed will of the Immaculate Virgin,
Queen of the Apostles, demanding that Her Secret be revealed
by 1960, was unjustified and unjustifiable. It is certain
also, that it did immense harm to the Fatima cause.
One can say that it was from this date after this public
disregard for the "Secret of Mary" that devotion to the Most
Blessed Virgin began to decrease in a perceptible and then
alarming manner in the very bosom of the Catholic Church. More
than ever, the words of Sister Lucy applied: "The Blessed
Virgin is very sad, for no one pays attention to Her Message."
And this fault, one must dare to say it, was going to have
incalculable consequences. For in the disregarding of the
prophecies and requests of Fatima, it was the Virgin Mary, it
was God Himself who had been disregarded, who had been
ridiculed in front of the world. The conditional punishment
announced through the maternal warning of the Immaculate One
was then going to be carried out tragically, inevitably.
Part Three
Ottaviani related that Pope John XXIII placed the Secret "in
one of those archives which are like a very deep, dark well,
to the bottom of which papers fall and no one is able to see
them anymore." We know very well what became of the manuscript
of Sister Lucy. One can even discover the essential content of
it. What does Our Lady tell us in this warning in which She
has given for our age on July 13, 1917? First of all we can
establish four certain and objective facts concerning this
Secret and which are going to enable us to advance with long
strides in the uncovering of the Mystery.
1. A first capital fact: We know the context of the Third
Secret. Properly speaking, there is in effect only one Secret,
revealed completely on July 13, 1917. Now of this composite
entity at this moment, we know three parts of four. We know
the beginning, the first two parts of the Secret and the end,
which is surely formed by the conclusion: "In the end," Our
Lady promises us, "My Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy
Father will consecrate Russia to Me and she will be converted
and a period of peace will be granted to the world." It is in
this already known context, following the "etc." in the text
that Sister Lucy herself wrote concerning the second part of
the Secret, that the Third Secret happens to be inserted. Such
is the first fact which is for us an important guide post in
order to allow us to proceed in the discovery of the content
of the last Secret. The latter must correspond with its
immediate context and agree harmoniously with the whole of the
Message of Fatima, whose coherence is moreover completely
2. A second important fact: If the circumstances in which it
was revealed, prove to us its fundamental unity, the dramatic
circumstances of its writing down unveil to us on their own,
its tragic seriousness.
3. A third very illuminating fact: It is on account of its
content and on these grounds alone that since 1960, successive
Popes have refused to disclose it.
First of all, Pope John XXIII did this, as we have seen,
despite the enthusiastic and anxious expectation of the whole
Catholic world.
Paul VI adopted straight away the same attitude. Elected on
June 21, 1963, some time afterwards he asked for the text of
the Secret. This proves his lively concern for this subject.
Since no one knew what Pope John XXIII had done with it, they
questioned his secretary, Mgr. Capovilla, who indicated the
place where the manuscript had been put. Pope Paul VI surely
read it at that point but he did not speak about it. You know,
however, on February 11, 1967, as the 50th anniversary of the
Fatima Apparitions approached, Cardinal Ottaviani in the name
of the Pope, made a long declaration on the subject of the
Third Secret of Fatima, in order to explain that it would
still not be revealed. In my book, I cite and analyze this
text, following the Portuguese experts, I am forced to testify
that in order to justify at any price the nondisclosure of the
Secret, the Prefect of the Holy Office, supreme guarantor of
truth in the Church, is compelled to accumulate a mass of
incoherencies and patent untruths.(8) And alas, we shall see
the reasons advanced in 1984 by his successor, Cardinal
Ratzinger, are not any more consistent.
Pope John Paul I was very devoted to Our Lady of Fatima; he
went in pilgrimage to Cova da Iria in 1977, and what is a very
curious fact, Sister Lucy herself asked to meet with him.
Cardinal Luciani went therefore to the Carmel of Coimbra and
he conversed at length with the seer. I am in a position to
verify that Sister Lucy spoke with him about the Third Secret
and revealed to him the essential content of it. He was very
impressed by it. He informed his entourage at the time of his
return to Italy, how moved he had been and how serious was the
Message. He then spoke and wrote about Fatima in vigorous
terms and he expressed his admiration and his total confidence
in Sister Lucy whom he obviously considered to be a saint. (I
shall give in my fourth volume all the proofs of these
unpublished facts.) Having become Pope, he wished no doubt to
prepare public opinion before doing something. Unfortunately,
he was tragically taken away from us before having been able
to say anything.
Pope John Paul II, before going on pilgrimage to Fatima on May
13, 1982 asked for the help of a Portuguese translator from
the Curia, in order to translate to him certain expressions of
the Secret which are peculiar to the Portuguese language. He
also, therefore, has read the Third Secret but has not chosen
to make it public either.
Finally, we know that Cardinal Ratzinger has read it as well
since he told the Italian journalist Vittorio Messori that he
had read it. Cardinal Ratzinger has even written about it on
two occasions, in November, 1984, and in June, 1985, alluding
to its content in very different terms, which for us is
significant. In my book, I published and commented on the
synopsis of these two successive published versions.(9)
4. The fourth principal fact: the prophecy of the Third Secret
has been unfolding at the present time, before our eyes, since
1960. There is, in fact, a timetable, a chronicle in the
realization of the prophecies of Fatima.
On the one hand, it is indeed certain that we have not yet
come to the time announced by the conclusion of the secret.
Why? Because Russia has not yet been consecrated to the
Immaculate Heart of Mary, as it must be, and as it will be one
day. Sister Lucy made this known clearly even after the Act of
March 25, 1984.(10) Russia is not yet converted and the world
is not in peace, far from it! Therefore, we are not at the end
of the prophecy.
On the other hand, the events announced in the Third Secret do
not only concern our future, for we have another guide mark:
1960. The Virgin had asked that the Secret be made public in
1960 because Lucy told Cardinal Ottaviani, "In 1960, the
Message will appear more clear." Now, the only reason that
might render a prophecy clearer from a specific date onward,
without any doubt, is the beginning of its fulfillment. And we
have other statements from Lucy saying that "the punishments
predicted by Our Lady in the Third Secret have already begun."
The terminus a quo (beginning point) and the terminus ad quem
(the end point) of the prophecy having been thus determined,
we can be sure that we are presently in the period of which
She speaks. So we are living the Third Secret. We are
witnessing the events that it announces.
False Secrets and False Hypothesis
Basing oneself on this reliable data, one can discard a whole
series of false secrets that have been successively published
for 25 years. I cite them all in my work and I demonstrate,
for example, that the most famous of them, the "Secret"
circulated in 1963 by the German magazine "Neues Europa", and
which has been ceaselessly reprinted in innumerable magazines,
is a fake. There are in this text, several monstrous errors
which prove this sufficiently. Moreover, although it is a
matter we are told, of simple "extracts" of the real Secret,
these "extracts" are already at least four times too long to
fit on the sheet of paper on which Lucy wrote down the whole
of the Third Secret.(11)
One can dismiss also, a good number of false hypotheses.
Certainly, one is not dealing with a simple "invitation to
prayer and penance", as Father Caprile dares to claim!(12) The
Virgin Mary would not have asked Lucy to wait for 1944 or 1960
in order to divulge a message that would repeat word for word
Her public Message of October 13, 1917!
[Translator's Note: Nor would it explain the extreme
difficulty Sister Lucy had from Oct/43 to Jan/44, in writing
down the 25 lines of the Secret. If it were only a call to
prayer and penance there would be no such difficulty.]
Neither is it a matter of happiness: The Third Secret of
Fatima certainly does not accord with the views of optimism of
Pope John XXIII, proclaiming that the Council would be "a new
Pentecost", "a new springtime for the Church!" If that were
the case, he himself or his successors would have revealed it
to us. "If it were pleasant," Cardinal Cerejeira said very
justifiably, "We would have been told so. Since we haven't
been told anything, the fact is that it is sad," Yes, it is
obviously grave and tragic.
Neither is it the announcement of the end of the world since
the prophecy of Fatima ends with a marvellous and
unconditional promise, which ought to be preached in season
and out of season, because it is a source of unshakeable hope:
"In the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph, the Holy Father
will consecrate Russia to Me, it will be converted, and a
period of peace will be granted to the world."
Would it be the announcement of a Third World War? Of a
Nuclear War? It would be sensible to think so, for here the
prophecy would do nothing but confirm the most lucid political
analyses. Would not the Virgin Mary have predicted this most
horrible future war, which so tragically threatens us?
Together with Father Alonso, I think that this is undoubtedly
not the essential of the Third Secret. And I say this for a
solid reason: Namely, this foretelling of material
chastisements, of new wars and of persecutions against the
Church, constitutes the specific content of the Second Secret.
Have we yet reflected on the terrible importance of these
simple words: "The good will be martyred, the Holy Father will
have much to suffer, various nations will be annihilated"?
"The Blessed Virgin has told us," Sister Lucy confided to
Father Fuentes, "that many nations will disappear from the
face of the earth, that Russia will be the instrument of
chastisement chosen by heaven to punish the whole world (for
its crimes) if we do not beforehand obtain the conversion of
that poor nation."(13) That is why it is to be feared that the
word "annihilated" is to be taken literally in its obvious
sense: annihilated, totally destroyed. Improbable in 1917,
this tragic threat is not any longer farfetched for us today
in the Nuclear Age.
It is therefore clear: all the material punishments which
still threaten us, even the most dreadful, like nuclear war,
or the expansion of Communism over the whole planet, are
already foretold by Our Lady in Her Second Secret, and we also
know the supernatural means to avert them before it is too
late.(14) We can be certain, according to Father Alonso, that
nothing about these material chastisements is repeated in the
third part of the Secret. nOr at least, I would add, if
allusion to it is again made (as is quite possible), this will
not be the essential message of the Third Secret. In effect,
since the Secret is composed of three interrelated but
distinct parts and whose date, for disclosure, fixed by heaven
were not the same, one can be sure that the third part of the
Secret is not going to repeat the same thing as the second in
a few lines of space.
Part Four
Doubtlessly, the
Third Secret mainly refers to a spiritual chastisement. Far
worse, even more fearsome than famine, wars, persecutions, for
it concerns souls, their salvation or their eternal perdition.
The late Father Alonso, named in 1966 as official archivist of
Fatima by Bishop Venancio, has proved that this is what the
Third Secret contains. He wrote about it in one of the volumes
of his great critical work, consisting of 14 volumes, which
unfortunately, he was forbidden to publish. But he was able,
all the same, before his death on December 12, 1981, to make
known to us his conclusions in various pamphlets and numerous
articles in theological journals.
My personal research has only permitted me to clarify, to
complete, to be more specific about his thesis which new
documents have come to confirm.
Here is the most important: On September 10, 1984, Bishop
Cosme do Amaral, the present Bishop of Leiria, Fatima, in the
Aula Magna (large auditorium) of the Technical University of
Vienna, declared in the course of a period of questions and
answers: "The Third Secret of Fatima speaks neither of atomic
bombs nor of nuclear warheads, nor of SS20 missiles. Its
content, he has insisted, concerns only our faith. To identify
the Secret with catastrophic announcements or with a nuclear
holocaust is to distort the meaning of the Message. The loss
of faith of a continent is worse than the annihilation of a
nation; and it is true that faith is continually diminishing
in Europe."(15)
For ten years, the Bishop of Fatima kept an absolute silence
about the content of the Third Secret. When he opens his mouth
in order to make so resolute a public statement, one can be
morally certain that he has not said this without having
beforehand consulted Sister Lucy. We can be all the more
certain of this since in 1981, he had already refuted some
false secrets while saying that he had questioned the seer on
the subject.
This is to say that the thesis of Fr. Alonso is now publicly
confirmed by the Bishop of Fatima: It is the terrible crisis
within the Church. It is the loss of faith that the Immaculate
Virgin has foretold, precisely for our era, if Her requests
were not sufficiently carried out, and it is this drama which
we have been witnessing since 1960. The essential having been
said, I shall now content myself to mention the principle
stages of my proof regarding the true content of the Third
The Loss of Faith
In the first chapter(16), I set forth the reasons which prove
that the Third Secret deals specifically with the loss of
faith. It is the principle element of the Secret that we
already know. In effect, we know more than only the context of
it. Sister Lucy was desirous to indicate to us the first
sentence of it, "In Portugal, the dogma of faith will always
be preserved, etc." This little sentence which the seer surely
and intentionally added when she wrote down the first two
parts and the conclusion of the Secret for the second time in
her Memoirs, is definitely significant. It provides us very
discreetly, with the key to the Third Secret.
Here is the judicious commentary of Father Alonso: "'In
Portugal, the dogma of the faith will always be preserved".
This sentence in all clarity implies the critical state of the
faith which will befall other nations. That is to say that
there will be a crisis of faith, while Portugal will save its
faith". "Therefore", Father Alonso writes further, "in the
period which precedes the great Triumph of the Heart of Mary,
the terrible things which are the object of the third part of
the Secret, will occur. Which ones? If, 'In Portugal, the
dogmas of faith will always be preserved,' one can deduce from
it with perfect clarity that in other parts of the Church
these dogmas either are going to become obscure or else even
be lost."
Most of the experts have adopted this interpretation: Father
Martin dos Reis, Canon Galamba, Bishop Venancio, Father Luis
Kondor, Father Messias Dias Coelho. Last November 18th, in the
course of a conference that he gave in Paris, Father Laurentin
declared himself also in favor of this solution.(17)
Let us add that Cardinal Ratzinger has himself spoken in this
sense to Vittorio Messori, while saying that the Third Secret
concerned "the dangers threatening the faith and life of
Christians". Finally, as we have said, the present Bishop of
Fatima is still more explicit. He lets it be understood that
it is a crisis of faith, on the scale of several nations and
entire continents ... such a defection has a name in Holy
Scripture: It is apostacy. It is possible that this word is
found in the text of the Secret.
The Faltering and Punishment of
In another chapter(18), I show that there is more: The Third
Secret insists surely on the heavy responsibility of
consecrated souls, of priests, and even bishops themselves in
this unprecedented crisis of faith which has hit the Church
for 25 years. I provide several proofs of it, several very
clear indications. I must be content here to cite to you
Father Alonso: "It is therefore completely probable that the
text of the Third Secret makes concrete allusions to the
crisis of faith within the Church and to the negligence of the
pastors themselves."
He speaks further of "internal struggles in the very bosom of
the Church and of grave pastoral negligence by the high
hierarchy", of "deficiencies of the upper hierarchy of the
These very serious words, Father Alonso has surely not written
and published them so clearly and openly without having
carefully considered the whole impact. As official archivist
of Fatima, would he have adopted after 10 years of labours and
various interviews, various conversations with Sister Lucy, a
position so bold on a subject so red hot without being assured
at least of the tacit agreement of the seer? The answer does
not permit any doubt at all.
This declaration of the deficiencies of the Hierarchy explains
the haunting concern of the three seers forcing themselves to
pray, to pray much and to sacrifice without ceasing for the
Holy Father; the three months of insurmountable anguish that
Sister Lucy had to face before daring to write down this text.
It explains finally why the Popes since the optimist John
XXIII, have hesitated, delayed and ceaselessly put off until
later its publication, seeking at all costs to keep it hidden.
A Wave of Diabolical Disorientation
In the third chapter(19), I show that Sister Lucy, without
doubt, echoed a theme of the Third Secret in certain of her
words and letters where she lays stress on the unleashing of
the devil in our era. Already in 1957, she was confiding to
Father Fuentes, "The Most Holy Virgin has told me that the
devil is about to engage in a decisive battle against the
Virgin ... and that he knows what most offends God, and what
will make him gain the most souls in the shortest possible
time. He does everything to gain souls consecrated to God, for
in this manner, he will succeed in leaving the souls of the
faithful abandoned by their leaders, thereby the more easily
will he seize them."
But it is especially in a series of very little known but very
important letters in the years 1969-1970, that she uses some
striking expressions to describe the present crisis of the
Church. And, let us note it well, through the pen of a soul
who is so humble, and so respectful of authority, that such
strong expressions are without doubt the echo of the words
heard from the very lips of the Immaculate Virgin in Her Final
Message concerning the protection of the faith and the welfare
of the Church.
"I see by your letter," she writes to a priest, "that you are
preoccupied by the disorientation of our time. It is sad, in
fact, that so many persons let themselves be dominated by the
diabolical wave that is sweeping the world and that they are
blinded to the point of being incapable of seeing error! The
principle fault is that they have abandoned prayer, they have
in this way become estranged from God, and without God,
everything is lacking."
The devil is very cunning and looks for our weak points in
order to attack us."
If we are not diligent and careful to obtain from God
strength, we shall fall, for our age is very wicked and we are
weak. Only the strength of God can keep us on our feet."
In a letter to a friend who is zealously involved in the
defence of Marian Devotion, Sister Lucy writes:
"Let people say the Rosary every day, Our Lady has repeated
that in all of Her apparitions, as if to fortify us in these
times of diabolical disorientation, in order that we not let
ourselves be deceived by false doctrines ... Unfortunately, in
religious matters the people for the most part are ignorant
and allow themselves to be led wherever they are taken. Hence,
the great responsibility of the one who has the duty of
leading them ...
"It is a diabolical disorientation that is invading the world,
deceiving souls! It is necessary to stand up to 'the devil'."
On September 16, 1970, she writes to a religious friend: "Our
poor Lord, He has saved us with so much love and He is so
little understood! So little loved! So badly served! It is
painful to see such great confusion, and in so many persons
who occupy places of responsibility! ... For us, we must try,
as much as it is possible for us, to make reparation through a
still more intimate union with the Lord ... It pains me to see
what you are saying, but now, that is happening around here
also! ... The fact is that the devil has succeeded in bringing
in evil under the appearance of good, and the blind are
beginning to lead others ... This is like the Lord told us in
His Gospel, and souls allow themselves to be taken in. Gladly
I sacrifice myself and offer God my life for peace in His
Church, for priests and for all consecrated souls, especially
for those who are so deceived and misguided!"
We must take a stand against the
devil's partisans in the Church
For the confidant of the Virgin Mary, evil is not only in our
world "in decadence", "plunged into the darkness of error of
immorality and pride". Evil is also in the Church itself,
where the devil has his "followers" and his "partisans" who
are always "forging ahead with intrepid audacity". Facing
them, there are so many "timid persons" who do not have the
courage to take a stand. And Sister Lucy is not afraid to
state that many bishops are among their number. Moreover, it
is not only a question of luke-warmness or of pastoral
neglect, Sister Lucy lets it be clearly understood that it is
the faith itself that is being attacked. She speaks of "false
doctrines" and of "diabolical confusion", of "blindness" and
this, among the very ones "who have great responsibility" in
the Church. She deplores the fact that, so many pastors "let
themselves be dominated by the diabolical wave that is
invading the world". Could one better describe the crisis of
the Church that has opened itself to a world ... of which
Satan is the prince?
But Sister Lucy insists, "The Virgin knew that these times of
diabolical disorientation had to come." All these words of the
seer and so many others that we can cite, are explained
perfectly, and take on great prominence, if on July 13, 1917,
in Her Third Secret, the Virgin specifically foretold this
"diabolical disorientation" which would suddenly invade the
Church, if Her requests were not obeyed.
The Great Apostasy of the "Last
Times" Announced by Holy Scripture
To someone who was questioning her on the content of the Third
Secret, Sister Lucy one day replied: "It's in the Gospel, and
in the Apocalypse, read them." She has also confided to Father
Fuentes that the Virgin Mary has made her see clearly that "We
are in the last times of the world." This does not mean, one
must emphasize, the time of the end of the world and of the
last judgement, since the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of
Mary must come first. Cardinal Ratzinger himself discreetly
alluding to the content of the Secret of Fatima, has mentioned
three important elements: "The dangers threatening the faith,"
"the importance of the last times" and the fact that the
prophecies "contained in this Third Secret correspond to what
has been announced in Scripture." We even know that one day
Lucy indicated Chapters 8 and 13 of the Apocalypse.
That is why, in the last two chapters of my book, I take up
the great teachings of Our Lord, of St. Paul and St. John so
ignored today! - Announcing the troubles, the heresy and
finally the great apostasy which will arise in the Church
during the "last times". And the objective comparison of the
prophecies of Scripture - very particularly those of the
Apocalypse - and the great prophecy of the Virgin of Fatima,
at the dawn of our Century shows indeed very numerous and
quite striking parallels.
Part Five
We have said
enough about it in order to understand that nothing is so
important, so necessary, so urgent, than to make known without
delay, to all the faithful of the Church, the complete and
integral text of Mary's Secret, in its limpid truthfulness and
in its prophetic richness and its Divine transcendence. It
would be proper here to cite the numerous and solid reasons
which underline the urgency of this disclosure. I shall be
content at the end of this presentation to mention the
principle points.
Why Reveal the Third Secret
1. "Because the Blessed Virgin wants it." We know indeed that
Her will has not changed in the least since the moment of
Grace of July 13, 1917 when She revealed it to the three
shepherds nor has it changed since that January 2, 1944, when
appearing to Sister Lucy in her convent at Tuy, She asked her
to write down the text of it. Our Lady wills that this
prophetic oracle be unveiled, that it be known. And Sister
Lucy, Her messenger, has continued to want this public
disclosure and as much as she has been permitted, she has
urgently requested it from those in authority, this we know.
2. For the good of souls. For contrary to the falsehood so
often repeated, the Secret is not intended exclusively for the
Holy Father. Like the two preceding ones, it is destined for
all the faithful. As sons of the Church, we are all children
of Mary. We all have the right to know the salutary warning
that Our Heavenly Mother addresses to us in this very perilous
hour, in order to help us - we ourselves, our children, all
those dear to us - to keep intact and alive in our hearts, the
true Catholic faith received from our forefathers.
3. As long as this Secret is not revealed, the peace of the
world will remain tragically threatened! I will explain
myself. We believe strongly, that as long as Russia is not
consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, as God requires
it to be, Russia will not be converted. And as long as she
will not be converted, liberated from its atheistic and
persecuting Bolshevism and from the grip of satanic forces
which enslave it, the risk of a nuclear apocalypse will remain
a terrible threat for the world.
God has willed that the peace of the world depends, in our
century, on the ardent filial obedience of the Pope and of the
bishops to the commands of His Most Holy Mother who appeared
at Fatima. Now, this act of faith, of confident docility
towards the Immaculate Mediatrix, through which our pastors
shall carry out the consecration of Russia, presupposes also,
and I shall even say first of all, the acceptance and the
public disclosure of the Secret. It is a lesson of history:
Since 1960, the deliberate, contemptuous concealment of the
Secret of Our Lady has gone hand in hand with the stubborn
refusal to precisely carry out with exactitude, Her other
requests. On the other hand, the publication of the Third
Secret will be the clear sign that the Church has officially
recognized the Divine authenticity and importance of the
Fatima Message in its entirety. One of the major obstacles to
the consecration of Russia shall in that case be set aside!
4. Finally and especially, for the good of the Church. While
the Church, without a doubt, is going through the most serious
crisis in her history, while heresies of all sorts are taught
and propagated, poisoning everywhere the people of God, while
her "self-destruction" continues without let up since 1960,
and when the "smoke of Satan"(20) has penetrated into the holy
place, to use some expressions of Paul VI, it would be a very
great pity and certainly even criminal to continue to neglect,
to disregard, to despise the salutary words of the Virgin Mary
- concerning precisely this `crisis of faith' that we are
undergoing. Since the Queen of Heaven as early as 1917 had
foretold the danger and since She had certainly indicated the
real causes of it, and moreover, since She had proposed the
effective remedies, is it not a terrible shame that these
remedies intended to be publicly made known in 1960 have yet
to be revealed to us? Is it not scandalous that for 25 years,
millions of souls have been suffering in this "diabolical
disorientation" and have been running the risk of being lost
eternally without the pastors of the Church deigning to accept
the extraordinary aid that Heaven is offering them?
We Must Repeatedly Beg the Pope
There now are so many reasons which make it a duty for us to
continue to address to the Holy Father our repeated
supplications for the disclosure of the Secret of Fatima: It
is for the honour of Our Mother, for the salvation of our
brothers, for the peace of the world, for the renewal of the
Church. Let us not be told, as a recent false report tries to
make us believe, that the Fatima Secret cannot be unveiled
because "It would risk being misinterpreted!" Is it possible
that the Queen of Prophets who foresaw and announced in 1917
so many then unforeseeable events that we have since
witnessed, would have failed to foresee this risk, to the
point of making Her Secret completely useless for the Church?
This is unthinkable! No, Her Secret is clear, with neither the
least ambiguity nor difficulty in interpretation, we can be
certain of it. Let us dare even to say it! Would it not be
rather because of its too great clarity which is making our
pastors uneasy? Let us therefore pray untiringly so that the
Holy Father can receive from God the light and the strength
which will permit him to finally conquer all obstacles. It is
already late, but Jesus tells all through Sister Lucy, "It
will never be too late to have recourse to Jesus and to Mary."
Finally, and with this I shall conclude, if the Holy Father
cannot yet decide to make public the final Secret of Our Lady
by exercising his personal authority, could he not, should he
not at least allow complete freedom to the Prefect of the Holy
Office or to the Bishop of Leiria, or to the seer herself, to
obey the expressed command of Our Lady that the Secret be made
known to the faithful?
The Third Secret "On The Index"?
For it is an astounding fact, that for more than 25 years, the
Secret of Fatima and it alone is in some manner on the
Index.(21) Sister Lucy, and she alone is compelled to silence.
On November 15, 1966, Pope Paul VI abrogated articles 1399 and
2318 of the code of Canon Law, which prohibited the
publication of books and pamphlets which propagate without
authorization new apparitions, revelations, or prophecies
still not approved by the Church. And this abrogation is now
in the new code.(22) So that since 1966 anyone can publish and
spread among the Christian people the most fantastic
revelations. Any deception, and devilry, nothing is prohibited
anymore. Everything is authorized to be published and the
`prince of lies' skilfully takes advantage of this license by
multiplying throughout the world, false apparitions and
fraudulent messages, which spread freely everywhere and lead
astray countless members of the faithful. Only that Message,
the Secret of Fatima which is most certainly and most
unquestionably from God, is the only Message which is
scandalously prohibited from being published.
The conclusion imposes itself: It is high time to also let the
seer of Fatima speak. And through her the Immaculate Virgin,
Mother of God and our Mother, our all loveable and all loving
Mediatrix and Coredemptrix. It is urgent to listen to Her
since, "She alone will be able to help us" as She Herself
informed us on July 13, 1917.(23)
Our Last Hope - Our Lady of Fatima
Her three Secrets reveal to us in fact Her threefold power and
Her threefold mission which God has entrusted to Her. God
wishes to manifest in a most striking way in our century, this
mission of Our Lady. It is through Her, through the vision of
hell and the revelation of Her Immaculate Heart, the first
terrible and marvellous Secret that He wishes to convert
souls, all souls, and to save them, because She is the 'Mother
of Mercy' and the 'Gate of Heaven'. It is through Her - the
commands, the promises, the threats in Her Second Secret, that
He has been seeking to save Christianity, to spare us from
horrible wars and Communist slavery! For He has established
Her as 'Queen of Peace'. Moreover, it is through Her, through
the prophecy of Her Third Secret that He wishes to conquer
today that "diabolical wave" surging upon the Church, the
impiety that has taken hold, even in the Sanctuary and all the
dark forces that have propagated and encouraged the modern
apostasy, for She is the 'Defender of the True Faith' and She
alone has received from Her Son the power to conquer all of
the heresies in the whole world: 'Cuntas haereses tu sola
interemisti in universo mundo!'
Our Great Hope!
And this threefold mission of the Immaculate Mediatrix which
Her great Secret reveals to us, is also the unshakeable basis
for our in confoundable hope. Yes we can be sure of it when
Her Secret will finally be completely unveiled and recognized
as authentic, when Russia will finally be solemnly consecrated
to Her, and the reparational devotion of the First Saturdays
of the month is officially approved, the faithful and powerful
Virgin, Virgo Fidelis', Virgo Potens' will accomplish Her
wonderful promises.
Filled with joy, we shall then witness the triumph of Her
Immaculate Heart, preparing the universal reign of the Sacred
Heart of Jesus. Russia, delivered from her demons through a
remarkable miracle of conversion, will return to the sheepfold
of Roman unity. A period of peace will be granted to the
world. The Catholic faith will be preached to all nations. And
countless numbers of souls shall go in joy to the Fountains of
Salvation in the One Holy Catholic, Apostolic and Roman Church
of Christ under the guidance of a single Shepherd!
Yes, this hour will come, but we ourselves must hasten it by
carrying out with love all the requests of Our Lady from this
moment onward.
For She has need of us. "Modern times", St. Maximilian Kolbe
used to say, 'Are dominated by Satan and they shall be so even
more in the future ... The Immaculate One alone has received
from God the promise of victory over Satan, but being in the
glory of Heaven, She needs us today, to work together with
Her. She seeks souls consecrated entirely to Her and become in
Her hands a force to conquer Satan, and to become under Her
direction effective means for establishing the Kingdom of
1. See Appendix
2. See Brother Michael's book "The Third Secret",
pages 33-56 & 467-478
3. This is at least what Mother Pascalina Lehnert
affirmed to the journalist Robert Serrou on the occassion of a
photographic reporting session at the Vatican on May 14, 1957
("The Third Secret", pages 484-486) [Mother Pascalina was in
charge of a few sisters who looked after Pope Pius XII]
4. "The Third Secret", pages 486-502
5. During processions of the Pilgrim Statue,
doves would be released. Sometimes they would huddle at the
feet of the statue rather than fly away ("The Third Secret",
pages 99-103, 251, 533,534
6. "The Third Secret", pages 578-586
7. This incoherent thesis is in "Science and the
Facts", pages 381-434 and 482-528 [Father Dhanis was a
theology professor at Louvain when he first published his
thesis in 1944. Basically, he claimed that Sister Lucy's
Memoirs (written 1935-1941) were not reliable] This is totally
refuted by Brother Michael in Volume I as noted above.
8. "The Third Secret", pages 721-734
9. For the conclusions that one could draw from
the Cardinal's "variations", "The Third Secret", pages 818-
10. On this date Pope John Paul II consecrated
the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, with an indirect
mention of Russia (not by name), after having asked all the
world's bishops to join in this act from their respective
dioceses. In fact all bishops did not join the Pope and the
act of consecration used was not what Our Lady of Fatima
11. "The Third Secret", pages 642 - 663 english
12. In The June, 1960 edition of "la Civiltà
13. This declaration to Father Fuentes, as Father
Alonso and I also show is certainly authentic. I demonstrate
this in my book "The Third Secret" pages 503-510, 549-554.
Sister Lucy's declaration to Father Fuentes in December of
1957, of which I show, following Father Alonso, the
incontestable authenticity ("The Third Secret", pages 503-510,
549 - 554), is a striking synthesis of the message of Fatima.
Published in 1962 in the Letters to My Friends, and again in
1974 in "The Catholic Counter-Reformation in the Twentieth
Century" (no. 87, page 12, French edition), this text, always
very timely, deserves to continue to spread. (See "The Third
Secret", pages 504 - 508, for text)
14. The main supernatural means by which world
peace will be brought about are the Consecration of Russia to
the Immaculate Heart of Mary by the Pope and all the bishops
of the world, and the Communions of Reparation on the First
Saturdays (see Appendix), as requested by Our Lady on December
10, 1925 and June 13, 1929
15. The bishop could make such a strong statement
because it is a dogma of the Catholic Church that: in order to
be saved from the eternal fires of Hell each Catholic must not
lose his Faith. Obviously, physical annihilation is not as bad
an evil as the loss of souls in Hell for all eternity. That is
why this chastisement proclaimed in the Third Secret is worse
than war and death.
16. "The Third Secret", pages 683 - 693
17. To our knowledge, only Rev. Father Antonio
Maria Martins and Father Geraldes Freire continue to maintain
another hypothesis, according to which the Third Secret would
concern the expansion of Communism to Portugal, her overseas
colonies and the entire world ("The Third Secret", pages 735 -
18. "The Third Secret", pages 694 -720
19. "The Third Secret", pages. 745 - 762
20.Pope Paul VI lamented the "self-destruction"
of the Church in a speech he made on December 7, 1968. In a
homily on June 29,1972 he referred to the "smoke of Satan"
having entered the Church. See "The Third Secret", page 849,
Notes 1 and 2
21. This refers to The Church's "Index of
Forbidden Books", which has since been abolished.
22. The new Code of Canon Law was promulgated on
January 25, 1983
23. The three parts of the one Fatima Secret were
given on this date. We could call them (in a manner of
speaking) three secrets.

By the Grace
of Almighty God and the intercession of Our Blessed Lady and
the Saints, man has been given powerful weapons with which to
achieve salvation and protect himself against the "snares and
wickedness of the devil." Among these, pride of place must of
course be given to the Seven Sacraments, instituted by Our
Lord Jesus Christ and administered by His Holy Catholic
Church. In addition and complimentary to the Sacraments,
Heaven has also provided mankind with many salutary prayers,
practices and sacramental by which virtue may be augmented and
dangers to faith and morals averted.
At Fatima, the Mother of God emphasized the vital importance
of the daily recitation of the Rosary and
signalled Her desire that all Catholics wear the Brown
Scapular as a visible sign of their devotion. These two great
Fatima devotions are joined indissolubly with those of the
Five First Saturdays (which Our Lady instituted at Pontevedra,
Spain in 1925) and the Seven Fatima Prayers that are
traditionally associated with Her appearances.
The Most Holy Rosary
The Rosary
has been treasured in the Church for many centuries. In a
profound sense, it is a summary of the Christian Faith in
language and prayers inspired by the Bible. Pope Pius X wrote
that "among all the devotions approved by the Church, none has
been favoured by so many miracles as the devotion to the Most
Holy Rosary."
The Rosary traditionally is said to have originated with St.
Dominic, a Spanish monk of the 13th century who was the
founder of the Order of Preachers (more commonly known as the
Dominicans) and a mighty missionary against heresy. One night,
as he was deep in prayer, Our Lady appeared to him, holding
the Rosary in Her hand and said: "Be of good cheer, Dominic,
the remedy for the evils which you lament will be meditation
on the life, death and glory of My Son, uniting all with the
recitation of the angelic salutation (Hail Mary) by which the
mystery of redemption was announced to the world. This
devotion, which you are to inculcate by your preaching, is a
practice most dear to My Son and Me. The faithful will obtain
by it innumerable advantages and shall always find me ready to
aid them in their wants. This is the precious gift which I
leave to you and to your spiritual children."
Over the centuries, inspired by the teachings of St. Dominic
and his followers, especially the Blessed Alain de Roche and
St. Louis de Montford, the Holy Rosary has become the most
beloved and popular of all Catholic devotions. It has long
been associated with innumerable miracles of faith and
Speaking of Our Lady's appearances at Fatima (where She
identified Herself as "the Lady of the Rosary"), Frère Michel
de la Sainte Trinité has written that "if She willed to appear
at the Cova da Iris holding (the Rosary) in Her hand...it was
to show us that it is the surest means, because it is the
easiest and the humblest, of winning Her Heart and obtaining
Her graces."
The Brown Scapular of
Mount Carmel
The Brown
Scapular is a sacramental, one of the many items set apart or
blessed by the Church to inspire devotion and increase
holiness. The Carmelite Order, to which the Scapular belongs,
originated on Mt. Carmel in the Holy Land and the Scapular is
itself a reflection in miniature of the habit which the monks
wear as a sign of their vocation and devotion
. The Scapular consists of two small pieces of brown wool
connected by string and worn over the shoulders. The Scapular
must be brown, rectangular in shape and made of 100 percent
lamb's wool (symbolic of Jesus, the Lamb of God). The strings
connecting the pieces of wool may of any colour or material
and pictures on the scapulars are optional. The Scapular must,
however, be worn over the shoulders, one part in front and one
in back.
The Scapular devotion was born on July 16, 1251 when Our
Blessed Mother appeared to St. Simon Stock, general of the
Carmelite Order, in response to his heartfelt prayers for
assistance. Holding the Scapular before him, Our Lady spoke,
"Take this Scapular. Whosoever dies wearing it
shall not suffer eternal fire. It shall be a sign of
salvation, a protection in danger and pledge of peace."
This great promise was further magnified some
eighty years later when the Queen of Heaven appeared to Jean
Drèze (later Pope John XXII) and told him that "those who have
been invested with this Holy Habit will be delivered from
Purgatory the first Saturday after their deaths." This great
secondary promise attached to the Scapular is called the
Sabbatine (Saturday) Privilege and is based on a decree issued
by John XXII in 1322 (and re-confirmed 400 years later by Pope
Paul V). In our own century, Pope Benedict XV, as a sign of
his approval, granted a 500 day indulgence each time the
Scapular is kissed.
At its essence, the Scapular is a prayer in which Our Lady
draws us nearer to the Sacred Heart of Her Divine Son. For
over seven hundred years, the promise of the Scapular has been
proven theologically sound and confirmed by miracles which the
Blessed Claude de la Colombiere has called "more numerous and
authentic" than any other sacramental devotion.

The Five First Saturdays
On the
evening of Thursday, December 10, 1925, after supper, Sister
Lucy dos Santos (then a postulant in the Dorothean house at
Pontevedra, Spain) received a visit by the Child Jesus and the
Virgin Mary in her convent cell. Showing the young nun a heart
surrounded by thorns, Our Lady said to her:
"See, My
daughter, My heart surrounded by thorns which ungrateful men
pierce at every moment by their blasphemies and ingratitude...
Say to all those who, for five months, on the first Saturday,
confess, receive Holy Communion, recite the Rosary and keep Me
company for 15 minutes while meditating on the fifteen
mysteries of the Rosary, in a spirit of reparation, I promise
to assist them at the hour of death with all the graces
necessary for the salvation of their souls."
Charged with this mission by Heaven's King and Queen, the
18-year-old nun immediately began the work of making their
requests for this new devotion known. She informed her Mother
Superior at once as well as her priest-confessor, Father Lino
Garcia. It was he, in fact, who ordered Lucy to immediately
write down everything which concerned the revelation. Later,
she would write at even greater depth to Bishop Pereira Lopes
and many others, striving to establish in the hearts of those
around her the urgency of promoting this wonderful new gift of
Writing to her own mother two years following Our Lord and Our
Lady's visit, Sister Lucy begged her to adopt this new
devotion which "I know is so pleasing to God and which our
dear Heavenly Mother has requested." In another letter written
after the first steps had been taken to gain official Church
approval of the devotion, she emphasized its critical
importance in saving souls: "[You] cannot imagine how great is
my joy in thinking about the consolation...that the Holy
Hearts of Jesus and Mary are going to receive and of the great
number of souls who are going to be saved through this amiable
Through the tireless efforts of Sister Lucy and others, this
great, yet simple devotion has, over the last seven decades,
spread around the world, uniting millions in an universal and
continuous act of reparation that seeks to console the Hearts
of Jesus and Mary and to save souls everywhere. Sister Lucy
herself has written that "the greatest joy," she feels, "is to
see the Immaculate Heart of our so tender Mother known, loved
and consoled by the means of this devotion."
The Seven Fatima Prayers
During the
course of the apparitions at Fatima, the three child seers
were taught five unique and powerful prayers, two by the Angel
of Peace and three by the Mother of God. Later, appearing to
Sister Lucy at Rianjo, Spain, Our Lord Jesus Christ dictated
two further prayers. For millions of people, these prayers are
today a living embodiment of the Message of hope and peace
which Our Lady gave the world at Fatima.
In the past few years, through the efforts of Our Lady's
Apostolate, a pious practice has developed of reciting one (or
more) of these prayers on a daily basis. The following
schedule of prayers is a suggestion only; please feel free to
recite them in any order which you find most comforting and
My God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love
You! I ask pardon of You for those who not believe, do not
adore, do not hope and do not love You!
O Jesus, it is for love of You, for the
conversion of sinners, and in reparation for the sins
committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
O my Jesus, forgive us, save us from the fire
of hell. Lead all souls to Heaven, especially those who
are most in need.
O Most Holy Trinity, I adore You! My God, my
God, I love You in the most Blessed Sacrament!
Sweet Heart of Mary, be the salvation of
Russia, Spain, Portugal, Europe and the whole world.
By your pure and Immaculate Conception, O
Mary, obtain for me the conversion of Russia, Spain,
Portugal, Europe and the entire world.
Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy
Ghost. I offer You the most precious Body, Blood , Soul
and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all the
tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the
sacrileges, outrages and indifference by which He Himself
is offended. And through the infinite merits of His most
Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg of
you the conversion of poor sinners."